Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Belinda Broke Up with Mario Domm??


Camila's singer, Mario Domm, and Belinda have split up after less than two months of dating. "Ya no estoy en la luna," tweeted Belinda.

According to Mexican gossip program, "TV Notas", a friend of Mario Domm reported that the couple ended their relationship when Belinda discovered that Mario was still seeing his ex-girlfriend, Marilyn Patiño; with which constantly texting.

"Belinda found in Mario's
cell phone was very recent photographs of Marilyn Patiño, Colombian actress who was his girlfriend for several months. Thus she realized that Mario was cheating and logically decided to end the relationship immediately, "said the friend of Mario.
The alleged "friend" of Mario Domm said that it is not the first time Mario made to suffer his partners.

After her failed romance, the singer of "Egoista" was seen in her words was a bit sad and asked her followers to always be by her side.

Take a look at her tweet:

los amo nunca me abandonen!!! son mi vida y lo unico que es para siempre!!”.
("I love you, never leave me!
You are my life and all that is forever!!)

"lo demas pasara..... todo pasa......."
("Everything else will happen.")

Aww,, Belinda,, don't worry, WE WILL ALWAYS BE BY YOUR SIDE! :)


Mario Domm dan Belinda telah berpisah setelah kurang dari dua bulan berpacaran. "Sekarang udah nggak ada di bulan (baca: Mario Domm)," tulis Belinda dalam twitternya.
Menurut program gosip Meksiko, "TV notas", seorang teman Mario Domm menyatakan bahwa pasangan itu telah mengakhiri hubungan mereka ketika Belinda menemukan bahwa Mario masih bertemu dengan mantan pacarnya, Marilyn Patino; dengan smsan secara terus-menerus.

"Belinda menemukan di ponsel Mario ada foto-foto baru Marilyn Patino, aktris Kolombia yang sudah pernah menjadi pacar Mario selama beberapa bulan. Belinda menyadari bahwa Mario telah berselingkuh dan kemudian dia memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hubungannya segera.," Kata teman Mario.
Teman Mario Domm tersebut juga mengatakan bahwa itu bukan pertama kalinya Mario menyakiti pasangannya.

Setelah hubungan asmaranya dengan Mario gagal, penyanyi "Egoista" itu terlihat dalam kata-katanya agak sedih dan meminta fansnya untuk selalu berada di sisinya.

Coba lihat tweet-nya:

los amo nunca me abandonen!!! son mi vida y lo unico que es para siempre!!”.
("Aku mencintai kalian, jangan pernah meninggalkanku! Kalian adalah hidupku dan segalanya selamanya!)

"lo demas pasara..... todo pasa......."
("Sesuatu yang lain akan terjadi.")

Aww,, Belinda,, jangan khawatir, KAMI AKAN SELALU BERADA DI SAMPINGMU! :)


  1. I love you guys never leave me! are my life and the only thing that lasts forever! : O .... "Los" >_<

  2. oopss! hehe
    Thanks for the correction :p
